Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I really fucking hate my mood’s swing.



“Have you ever fucking wondered if you was sailing on the boat in the middle of ocean? Your body keep waved. The wind went to your mind. Ignoring something worthless in your life”.

Drastically, I’ve never been feeling like that. My mood’s swing, mine sucks. It’s so easy to laugh and cry. It’s so fucking easy to happy then becomes sad. You know, right?

Being a teenager isn’t that so easy. I can fucking see those girls and boys become so unstable for some reasons. Sometimes they don’t get it what makes they feel like that. Stay classy bro.

As long as you keep it in your deepest heart. As long as it feels so awkward. Don’t you hate it when you truly know what you want to say but the words won’t come out? Fuck yes.