Friday, November 12, 2010

Catch us if you can.

I had a decent night last night. I’m writing this story with dizzy on my head. It was started with a prologue, it was like.. “Does anyone want to sneak out tonight?”. And every single person was like “Fuck yeah, let’s do this tonight”.





Well done. We broke the rules. We parked our vehicles offhanded then we saw the cops had to wait for us. I had no idea how to say. We made this one, finally we did it. Fortunately, one of my friends could solve it and after the cops left us we drove our vehicles and laughed out loud. Who cares, we rule the wild night.





We went to one of my friend’s home at 1.30am and we had to sleep for 1-2hours and we went to our boarding houses at 4am.



I seemed so frustrated. No. I’m just fucking dizzy. Bye!